Andrew Fouts – Chatham Baroque Joy of Bach

Co-artistic director and baroque violinist with Chatham Baroque, Andrew Fouts, discussed live with Jim Cunningham about Chatham Baroque’s upcoming annual celebration of Bach. This concert, The Joy of Bach, features bass-baritone Jonathan Woody, oboist Kathryn Montoya, violist Daniel Elyar, violinist Paul Miller, cellist Rebecca Humphrey Diederich, bassist J. Tracy Mortimore, harpsichord and organist Justin Wallace, and an organ prelude by Alan Lewis. The concert will be at the Calvary Episcopal Church on Friday, March 15th and Saturday, March 16th. Andrew highlights this large group for the concert, the program they will be performing, including the Brandenburg Concerto No. 6, and the controversy surrounding Bach’s birthday in March. Visit to learn more and find tickets.